Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Togolicious. Photo Post!

Here's my pet bunny rabbit!

The kids of my household and me sitting outside under the mango tree.

Pictures of Waa. The first one is of initiate headgear: antelope horns wrapped in feathers. In the second, you can see an initiate dancing and flipping his gong (2 hoe blades fused together).

The sort of crack-bus we use to get to Kara each Wednesday. The back door is attached to the car by rope. Wish this picture were more detailed so that you could see the full extent of the crackiness.

John and I went to chat with some local healers. The healers are the 2 people on the right in the first picture. In the second picture, you can see the woman healer grinding up on the ancestral rock a plant in the mint family. A little bit of water is added to the pulp, and then the resulting juice is applied like eye drops to treat eye wounds and conjunctivitis.

The monkey that was for sale for 50 dollars in the Farendé market.

Went to visit a cow herder. Accidentally stepped in poo after this bull caused me to stumble.

Hope y'all enjoyed the pictures! Not sure if I'll be able to make it to Kara next Wednesday, since it's our last week and we'll be busy finishing up our work. Might be able to write again in Lomé or Ghana before returning to the States.

Before leaving the internet café, I must add the following: all has been great. I'm quite sad to be leaving so soon. I love Togo more and more each day.

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